Aug 11, 2015

rsh Permission denied error fix?

RSH command execution is throwing permission denied error as shown below.

host1> /usr/bin/rsh -l user1 host2 "ls /user1"
Permission denied.

Reason: host2 machine user1 home directory missing .rhosts file

FIX: Connect host2 machine, goto user1 home directory and create .rhosts file.
Provide the file permission as 0600 to file .rhosts and try RSH command now.. :)

May 15, 2015

How to get the unused or free IPs on linux machine?

 Inline format of the script:
lsof -nl >/tmp/lsof.log;rm -rf ~/freeIPs.log; for ip in `ip add list|grep -v "127.0.0\|::1\|\|00:00:"|cut -d" " -f6|cut -d"/" -f1|grep -v qdisc|awk 'NF'`;do grep $ip /tmp/lsof.log > /dev/null; if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo $ip >> ~/freeIPs.log; fi; done; rm -rf /tmp/lsof.log;echo "Total IPs:`ip add list|grep -v "127.0.0\|::1\|\|00:00:"|cut -d" " -f6|cut -d"/" -f1|grep -v qdisc|awk 'NF'|wc -l`"; echo "Free IPs:`wc -l ~/freeIPs.log`";


 lsof -nl >/tmp/lsof.log
 rm -rf ~/freeIPs.log
 for ip in `ip add list|grep -v "127.0.0\|::1\|\|00:00:"|cut -d" " -f6|cut -d"/" -f1|grep -v qdisc|awk 'NF'`
     grep $ip /tmp/lsof.log > /dev/null
     if [ $? != 0 ]
          echo $ip >> ~/freeIPs.log
 rm -rf  /tmp/lsof.log
 echo "Total IPs:`ip add list|grep -v "127.0.0\|::1\|\|00:00:"|cut -d" " -f6|cut -d"/" -f1|grep -v qdisc|awk 'NF'|wc -l`";
 echo "Free IPs:`wc   -l ~/freeIPs.log`";